Monday, September 1, 2008

WY, CO, and the ride home

After a l o n g day on the road yesterday, we're home unpacking and trying to adjust to knowing work starts again tomorrow...

It is impossible to say what the best thing we saw or did on the road was, since we saw and did so many completely awesome things. Yellowstone and South Dakota surely are at the top of my list, not to mention getting to see my long-time pals Missy (Cheyenne, WY) and Aaryn (Fort Collins, CO). And of course, who could forget breakfasts of fresh figs and plums at The Alger Ranch (Moraga, CA), the sights, sounds and scents during our walk through China Town, Little Italy and Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, or cooling off with an afternoon swim in the sparkling river in Yosemite, with giant rock faces rising up on all sides... And that's just to mention a few.

Thank you so much to John, Heather, Grace and Russel, Missy, Zoe and Maggie, and Aaryn and Colorado Dave for their warm hospitality during our time in CA, WY and CO.

Here are a few more pics from our last few days on the road. More to come later...

Me and Aaryn in his beautiful backyard in Fort Collins.

The rockies in the distance on the way to Fort Collins, CO.

The road through Nevada was long and scrubby, but sometimes surrounded by cool hills.

A view of Mono Lake from our hotel room in Lee Vining, CA, just outside of Yosemite.

The Shirley Mountains in WY.

See the story behind this window in downtown Cheyenne, WY below.

More pics to come later after we get them off of Dave's camera card.


baby sister said...

Sorry to see that your trip is what am I going to read while at work???

California John said...

Glad to hear you two made it home. Thanks for stopping by. 6275 miles? That's not so many, is it? At least you did your part to keep our economy strong.

talk soon,

The California Algers